Baza Wiedzy Terapeutów

„Baza Wiedzy dla Terapeutów” to kompleksowy zbiór informacji, narzędzi i wskazówek, które pomagają terapeutom w ich praktyce. Ta skarbnica wiedzy zawiera najnowsze badania, metody terapeutyczne, techniki interwencji oraz praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące pracy z klientami. Dzięki „Bazie Wiedzy dla Terapeutów” specjaliści mogą stale rozwijać swoje umiejętności i lepiej wspierać osoby potrzebujące wsparcia.

  1. Biomechanical and electromyographic evaluation of ankle foot orthosis and dynamic ankle foot orthosis in spastic cerebral palsy. Lam 2004
  2. Stance balance control with orthosis in a group of children with cerebral palsy. Burtner and Wollacott 1999
  3. The early markers for later dyskinetic cerebral palsy are different from those for spastic cerebral palsy. Coining 2002
  4. Children with dyskinetic cerebral palsy are severely affected as compared to bilateral spastic cerebral palsy. Lorentzen 2019
  5. Behavioural problems in school age children with cerebral palsy. Rosenbaum 2012
  6. The relationship between spasticity in young children (18 months of age) with cerebral palsy and their gross motor function development. Ketelaar 2009
  7. Upper extremity strength measurement for children with cerebral palsy: a systematic review of available instrument. Koen, Dekkers 2014
  8. Kicking coordination captures differences between full-term and premature infants with white matter disorder. Fetters, Tronick 2004
  9. Energy expenditure index of walking for normal children and for children with cerebral palsy. Rose 2010
  10. Effects of a supported treadmill training exercise program on impairment and function for children with cerebral palsy. Lauer 2011
  11. Postural Control in Sitting Children with Spastic Dipareticcerebral Palsy. Mintaze Günel 2007